Tuesday, June 30, 2009

96 degrees in the shade...

There was a heat wave in St. Louis but that didn't stop the team from moving forward working in the Sadiq Organic Farm & Garden. The team filled the remaining beds with compost and mixed with vermiculite. The beds are now ready for planting. Weed stop material was laid in between the beds as the foundation for the mulch, which will comprise the walkways. At the end of the day, the youngsters began planting seeds. A good 'hot' day of work. Great effort team! Looking forward to 'the fruits of our labor'. See the new pics in the slideshow.


  1. Aren't you planting late in the season or is planting this late a project plan.

  2. Yes, this garden got off to a late start for the summer season and because of that most of the vegetables planted has somewhat shorter maturing times. Additionally we also planned to further extend our harvest by planting a fall season garden as well. In fact, the best gardens/farms are those that do three season plantings, which provide a fairly continuous harvest of vegetables, fruits and herbs from early spring to even up to first frost.
