Tuesday, June 16, 2009

How it all started...

The St. Louis Ahmadiyya Muslim Community owned a vacant plot of land that was purchased over 30 years ago. The land was to be used to build a Mosque for the St. Louis AMI community. Many of our past elders donated to the acquisition of this land. Although, St. Louis built a Mosque just up the street, the land on the corner of Alcott & Bircher in the Walnut Park community always remained special.
The sacrifice of those past members who donated their hard-earned dimes, nickels and pennies would be put to good use. In April 2009, the St. Louis Jamaat embarked on an effort to build a community garden on the land. With the help of GreenEarth Living & Habitat, a healthy living and green company owned by member Kareema Shahid, the Sadiq Organic Farm would begin planting its seeds.
As the project began to request support and donations, Humanity First (HF), USA, joined in to collaborate in the effort. With the effort of the local HF coordinator, Dr. Basiyr Rodney, HF USA agreed to build a community garden in collaboration with GreenEarth Living & Habitat. Thus, the project was granted the needed resources and began full steam ahead.

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